Not an exhaustive list, but some of my personal favorites. I will expand on the titles and add the authors, if different from the names given, as time permits. Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Check out the Links page for more to explore from some of these great pioneers.
On Consciousness and Spirituality:
Bernadette Roberts – Christian Contemplative Journey
- Path to No Self
- Experience of No Self
- What is Self?
David R Hawkins – Consciousness Research
- Power Vs. Force
- Eye of the I
- I
- Transcending the Levels of Consciousness
- Truth vs. Falsehood
- Discovery of the Presence of God
- Healing and Recovery
- Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man
Byron Katie – The Enlightened Mind
- Loving What Is
- I Need Your Love, Is that True?
- A Thousand Names for Joy
- Who Would You Be Without Your Story?
- Question Your Thinking, Change the World
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
Course in Miracles – Workbook for Students
Machaelle Small Wright – Energy of Nature and Non-Ordinary Reality
- Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered
- Flower Essences
- Perelandra Garden Workbook
Anthony De Mello – The Mind of Love
- Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality
- The Way to Love
Alice Baley – Non-Ordinary Reality
- Glamour: A World Problem
Lynn McTaggert – Unified Field Research
- The Field
- The Intention Experiment
- The Bond
Rupert Sheldrake – Micro Biologist and Researcher
- Morphic Resonance
Henry Stapp – Quantum Physics
- Mindful Universe
On Eastern Mysticism:
Ramana Maharshi
- Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
- Talks with Ramana Maharshi
Sri Nisargadata Maharaj
- I Am That
- Ultimate Medicine
- The Experience of Nothingness
- The Nectar of Immortality
Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
- Ammachi: A Biography
- Amma: Healing the Heart of the World by Judith Cornell
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Science of Being and Art of Living
Paramahansa Yoganada
- Autobiography of a Yogi
Sri Ramakrishna
- The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Aurobindo
- The Mother
On Zen and Buddhism:
Suzuki Rochi
- Zen Mind, Beginners Mind
Huang Po
- The Zen Teaching of Huang Po
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
On Christian Mysticism:
Julian of Norwich
- Revelations of Divine Love
St. Teresa of Avila
- Interior Castle
- Way Of Perfection
- The Life of Teresa of Jesus
St John of the Cross
- Spiritual Canticle
- Dark Night of the Soul
Meister Ekhart
- Selected Writings
- Cloud of Unknowing
Stylianos Atteshlis – 20th Century Healer Mystic
- The Magus of Strovolos by Kyriacos C. Markides
- Homage to the Sun by Kyriacos C. Markides
On Energy Healing:
Barbara Brennan
- Hands of Light
- Light Emerging
Donna Eden
- Energy Medicine
Cyndi Dale
- The Subtle Body
Maureen Lockhart
- The Subtle Energy Body
Anodea Judith
- Wheels of Life
Caroline Myss
- Anatomy of the Spirit
Richard Gerber
- Vibrational Medicine